
The hunting grounds of Rybarstvi Hluboka cz. s.r.o. are
situated in the scenic foothills of the Bohemian Forest in the area surrouding the
Dehtar Pond at the rim of the Budweis Basin. The hunting
grounds have a total area of 513 hectares and include arable lands, meadows,
pastures, forest soils and water areas.
Rybarstvi Hluboka cz. s.r.o. performs gamekeeping for
the purpose of commercial shooting of waterfowl game birds. The attractiveness
of hunting is elevated by farming of mallards at ponds Novy by Cakov, Zbehov
and Posmech. The animals hunted in these grounds are as follows: Red Fox,
Carrion Crow, Common Magpie, Great Cormorant, Common Wood Pigeon, geese,
Eurasian Coot, Mallard, Common Pochard and Tufted Duck.
Mallards Hunting
Mallards hunting is performed at three ponds and several drives. The areas of ponds are 3, 10 and 50 hectares, respectively. The hunt is conducted mainly from hunting sites built on the water surface. The hunters are deployed to the hunting sites by boat. The number of hunters is usually between 6 and 14 (optimally 10). The quantity of the mallards taken down depends on the shooting abilities of the hunters since hunting of mallards is more difficult than hunting of pheasants (flying velocity, different height, weather, and wind). Crucial is also whether the hunt is conducted at the beginning or at the end of the season.The hunt proceeds in accordance with customary habits and traditions of the Czech gamekeeping, which means after the arrival and inspection of ID cards, the hunters line up with the personnel and dog handlers while listening to the sounds of Dyk’s Hunting Fanfare. Subsequently the hunters are deployed to the hunting sites where the hunt begins. The hunters take turns on the drives and the ducks shot down are searched for by gun-dogs.
A lunch break is held around noon in the outdoor base of the hunting ground near a pond where the hunt takes place. After the refreshment the hunters start the afternoon chase. After the end of the hunt and finding of all game shot, all game are lined up. Closing ceremonies follow, along with fanfares and announcement of the king of the hunt.
Rybarstvi Hluboka cz. s.r.o. produces mallard ducklings originating from a recognized and time-tested breed.